Coastal wedding invitation suite

Making Waves - A Contemporary Twist on Classic Newport Invitations

Meet Claire and RJ, a nautically-minded pair tying the knot in picturesque Newport, Rhode Island, home to gilded mansions, and undisputed "sailing capital of the world." Drawing inspiration from the sea without falling into traditional nautical clichés, we combined shape and color to create a modern, elegant, and entirely distinctive letterpress invitation design that perfectly captures their shared passions and unique style.

Modern Newport wedding invitations with bold colors, die cut shapes, and crisp letterpress design

The dynamic flow of the layers and varying colors are evocative of sand dunes, waves, and a rippling sunset, adding depth and sophistication to the suite while staying true to the coastal theme. Clean, crisp typography, meticulously letterpress printed onto each piece, compliments the overall design without overpowering it, allowing the shapes and colors to shine.

Modern letterpressed invitation

One of the most striking elements of this bespoke wedding invitation suite is the custom wave-shaped die cut adorning the top of each piece. The gentle curves of the waves not only lend a subtle nautical feel but also mirror the undulating ocean, giving the invitation a sense of motion and fluidity, creating an intimate connection to Claire and RJ's love for the sea.

Invitation details and reply cards

Every detail, from the wave-shaped die cut to the carefully selected colors, is thoughtfully woven together to create an unforgettable experience for their guests, giving them a glimpse into the couple's unique journey and personality, and welcoming them to the upcoming celebration in Newport.

Blind letterpress invitation sleeve

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